Network Scanning
In cybersecurity, network scanning refers to the process of exploring a computer network with the aim of identifying devices, services, operating systems, and security configurations. This scanning allows security professionals to assess the network infrastructure for potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers. Network scanning may involve searching for open ports, identifying active hosts, detecting running services, and gathering information that helps understand the network's topology and security.
Scan hosts on a specific network:
Port scanning and service discovery:
Scan ports in a specific range:
Scan specific ports:
Save a scan in plain text:
More options:
-v: Is used to activate the "verbose" or detailed mode during scanning. (Options: -v to -vvv)
--min-rate 4500: Is used to set the minimum rate at which packets are sent during the scan.
-sS: Specifies the use of TCP SYN (synchronize) scan. This type of scan is one of the most common and stealthy scanning techniques.
-n: Is used to skip DNS resolution during the scanning process.
-Pn: Is used to skip the host discovery phase during scanning.
-O: Is used to enable OS detection.
-sC: Is used to enable default script scanning. These scripts are designed to identify potential vulnerabilities, security issues, or provide additional information about the target.
Example of a scan with NMAP:
-sCV = -sC + -sV
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