
To start, we will perform a port scan to identify which ports are open.

So the first thing I do is go to the website hosting this machine. And we come across a challenge:

So I decide to search on dCode for the type of symbol encryption the level 1 puzzle could be, and I finally find it:

We decrypt it and manage to obtain SYS.HIDDEN.HMV, which seems to be like a domain. So, I decide to save it in /etc/hosts:

Now I search for the website, and we come across level 2:

As I don't see anything on the page, I decide to use Gobuster to enumerate subdirectories.

It gives us this result, but /users and /members are just a rabbit hole, and the directory that will be useful is /weapon. Although it is initially empty, when scanning it again with Gobuster, we find that it contains a PHP file.

After trying for a while to view the code within loot.php and not making any progress, along with other futile attempts, I decide to use wfuzz to check if we can execute any commands with this PHP file.

And we find the keyword that we should use to execute commands. This way, we can now access the machine by running a Reverse Shell.

As we can see, we can execute commands as www-data, so we set up a listener on port 4444 and execute the Reverse Shell:

I decide to set up the tty for convenience, and it would look something like this:

We execute the following command and check the users available:

cat /etc/passwd | grep /bin/bash

And we observe that there are three users: toreto, atenea, and the user root. Now, by running "sudo -l", we see that we can execute Perl as the user toreto.

This allows us to escalate privileges to become toreto quite easily. The first thing we need to do is go to a directory where we have write permissions, such as the /tmp directory, and there we will create a Perl file and execute it as the toreto user. Here is the Perl code:

echo -ne '#!/bin/perl \nuse POSIX qw(setuid); \nPOSIX::setuid(0); \nexec "/bin/bash";' > script.pl

And we execute it like this:

sudo -u toreto /usr/bin/perl script.pl

This will allow us to obtain the shell of toreto.

I've tried "sudo -l", looking to see if any SUID binaries could be useful, and I've even checked the capabilities, but found nothing. So, I decided to search through directories, and in the end, I found a file that will help us escalate privileges to the atenea user.

The text file is a dictionary.

So I use Hydra to perform a brute-force attack on the SSH port with the user atenea, using this dictionary to check if any combination is the correct password.

And the password is "sys8423hmv", so we log in via SSH:

Now we can obtain the user flag:

Now let's escalate privileges to become the root user. By running "sudo -l", we see that we can execute socat as if we were root.

I search on GTFObins and find that we can easily escalate privileges with the following command.

sudo socat stdin exec:/bin/sh

We run it, and there you go, we are now root.

And we obtain the root flag.

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