
When starting the machine, it displays its IP address.

We'll start by conducting a quick NMAP scan to see which ports the target machine has open.

sudo nmap -sS -p- --min-rate 4500 -n -Pn

Now that we know the open ports, we'll perform a more intensive scan on those ports to identify the version and additional characteristics.

nmap -sCV -p80,3306 -n -Pn -oN target

Upon entering the website hosted on port 80 (HTTP), we encounter a login screen.

I've found that the qdPM version is vulnerable to Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF), and the password is exposed.

The username and password can be found in this directory:

Now we log in, but not on the website since we don't have an email, but through port 3306 (MySQL) to access the database hosting the victim machine.

I select the 'hidden' database:

We find 2 tables: 'url' and 'users':

On one hand, in the 'users' table, we find IDs, usernames, and passwords.

On the other hand, in the 'url' table, we obtain a list of URLs.

We'll save all the information obtained in a file.

To start, we'll use WFUZZ to see which URL can serve as the domain name:

wfuzz -c -w URLs.txt -u -H "HOST: FUZZ"

We notice that 'party.bah.hmv' is different from the rest. So, we add it to the /etc/hosts file to make our machine recognize that domain with the corresponding IP.

sudo nano /etc/hosts

And now we access.

It prompts us to log in. I decide to use the username and password we obtained earlier.

User: qpmadmin
Password: qpmpazzw

And we're in. Now, I'm going to set up a Reverse Shell to have a more comfortable view. Additionally, I'm configuring the TTY.

Let's enumerate the users on the victim machine:

cat /etc/passwd | grep /bin/bash

We see a user named rocio, which is present in the table we downloaded earlier from the database.

We switch to the rocio user and obtain the user flag.

It's time to start with the privilege escalation to become the root user.

To do this, we'll use pspy64, which is a monitoring tool for Linux systems that helps detect important activities and processes discreetly. We download it from here on our local machine: pspy64

Then, using netcat, we'll transfer the program from our local machine to the victim machine.

Victim machine:

nc -lvnp 8888 > pspy64

Local machine:

nc 8888 < pspy64

And we grant permissions to pspy64.

The time has come to run pspy64. And we come across this:

It's a command line that executes shellinaboxd, a server that provides a browser-based web terminal. This service allows command line access through a web browser using the HTTP protocol. We observe that the root is running what is in /tmp/dev when someone accesses the /devel directory. Here in the shellinaboxd manual, we can see how it works:

So, I'm going to create a file named dev in the /tmp directory where it sends a Reverse Shell, allowing quick access to the root user.

And we grant permissions:

chmod +x dev

Now we access the /devel directory.

And we receive the Reverse Shell without any issues.

We obtain the root flag, and there you go, we have successfully completed hacking the machine.

Last updated